There seem to be many worries and concerns in our world. Alongside the global and national issues that absorb much of our time, minor inconveniences disrupt our expectations – the restaurant’s delayed seating, the doctor’s office lagging in returning calls, or the plane flight delayed due to weather.

Recently, during a conversation with a client, he expressed concern about his kids’ future. Despite their adulthood and significant success, he was worried about the impact of Artificial Intelligence on his daughter’s career as an accountant and his son’s prospects as a realtor amid high interest rates. It’s a curious contrast, considering his children live in houses nicer than his own.
Last week, I found joy in the smaller moments. We completed the installation of a new garage floor, a beautiful epoxy surface speckled with vibrant little chips that illuminated the entire space. I rented a U-Haul truck to store my garage belongings as the work progressed. On Friday, after returning items into place, I anticipated a tiresome truck return process, especially with Sheila being out of town. I expected a lengthy endeavor, probably close to 90 minutes, due to traffic, meticulous truck return protocols, and potential Uber waiting times.
To my surprise, my pessimistic predictions were entirely incorrect. Friday’s drive was quick, with no one on the road because everyone worked from home. Returning the U-Haul was as simple as bringing any rental car back to the center – a straightforward drop-off with an instant receipt. Furthermore, Ron, the Uber driver, arrived within 7 minutes, offering pleasant music and even some peppermint candy.
Back home in 35 minutes!
This situation offered me two vital learnings. First, I realized the need to cease fixating on worst-case scenarios. My inherent negativity bias, shared by most of us, demands more consideration for positive outcomes.
Secondly, I acknowledged the world’s increasing efficiency. Technological advancements usually bring about remarkable positive changes in our lives, which we now take for granted but sometimes forget. Additionally, companies prioritize exceptional customer service to ensure repeat business.
When asked about the secret to resilience, I emphasize that our mindset is the key to strengthening our resilience. I aim to master this, ensuring I practice what I preach.
© Richard Citrin 2023