Using Your Superpowers

Richard Citrin Ph.D., MBA
Richard Citrin Ph.D., MBA

Our focus on resilience is not just about dealing with stress and challenges more effectively but ultimately creating more happiness and joy in our lives. Today, happiness is a highly researched area and there is no doubt a top 25 list of what we should do to be happy.

But perhaps it might be useful to consider a simpler approach to happiness.

While visiting family for Thanksgiving in Boston, we took time to check out the John F. Kennedy Library and Museum. Like all the Presidential libraries, we gained a great perspective of the challenges JFK faced during his time in office and more importantly the values he sough to share to “create a more perfect union.”

One of Kennedy’s main themes was urging young people to engage in government, help others, and contribute to a better world. When speaking to a group of students about their future he told them that “The Greeks defined happiness as the full use of your powers along the lines of excellence…” and suggested that by applying their passions in their life, they would not only contribute more to the world but increase their own joy.

Sometimes we don’t have to look too far away to find what brings us a sense of satisfaction and delight. Go with what you do best and do it with zest.

© Richard Citrin, All rights reserved, 2016


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