Out of the Shadows

Picture of Richard Citrin Ph.D., MBA
Richard Citrin Ph.D., MBA

A weekend trip to New York City had us staying at hotel within sight of the World Trade Center. A walk over to that hallowed grounds brought me for the third time face to face with the 9/11 Memorial Pools and our collective memory of that tragic day.

The modern day resilience movement began that evening. How have we done from a resilience perspective over these past 16 years?

From an economic point of view (we are staying in the financial district!) there is no doubt that the country has recovered. The stock market is at an all time high, the unemployment rate is at an all time low and technology and health care are leading us down new paths like autonomous vehicles and robotic surgery.

On other fronts, we are not doing so well. We are still in one of the longest wars in our history. Our country is sharply divided politically with people hating other’s ideas. The middle class is disappearing as the economic divide between rich and poor widens. Passengers are fighting with one another on planes.

If some wallets are fuller, our spirits may still be diminished.

Resilience is about bouncing forward and not just bouncing back. If only the sun reflecting off the windows of that new Freedom Tower could help illuminate our souls as well.

© Richard Citrin, All rights reserved, 2017


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